Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mark Your Calendars!

Benefits Open Enrollment for 2014 will be held from November 4th through November 15th. Watch for more information to be coming your way soon!

NCS is now on!

Welcome to the new National Coatings & Supplies corporate blog!

Check here for up-to-date happenings and announcements from the Company. We will also share associate news and stories.  If you have any news or stories that you would like to share, please email to get posted.  You can also email Kathy if you have any suggestions for the blog.

Our hope is the NCS blog will give more timely communication on what is happening within the company as well as share some interesting news about fellow associates.  The NCS blog will replace the quarterly newsletter that was sent out by HR.

We will post new entries every week, so check back often.